Our Dedication to Safety

Cougar Construction prides itself on operating a safe jobsite. We have had zero work related injuries or illnesses in the last 4 years. Our workers’ compensation experience rating modification continues to stay well below 1, currently at 0.79. We credit our excellent safety record to safe working practices, accident prevention, continuous safety education, and open communication by both our field employees and management. Careful job planning along with an experienced workforce helps lead our crew through a safe workday. Tool box safety meetings, outlining preventative safety practices and bringing attention to hazards specific to the current job, are held weekly at each of our jobsites. Many of our employees are OSHA certified in Competent Person – Trenching & Excavation and Confined Space Entry. Each of our employees is issued a safety manual; a copy is also kept, at all times, on each jobsite. Cougar employs a zero-tolerance drug testing policy and requires its employees to pass a drug screen as a condition of employment.